dijous, 20 de novembre del 2014

THE DECADE 2000-2010

The decade 2000-2010, was marked by the events of the war, to combat terrorism after the attacks on 11th the September in 2001, the Twin Towers of New York, and the Pentagon caused the wars with Afghanistan (2001), and the Second Gulf War (2003) that led to the overthrow of the Taliban rgime and Saddam Hussein. Also highlights the input of a back man (Barak Obama), for president of the USA.
In the world of music and films, there were a lot of singers and actors, Britney Spears, Shakira, Beyoncé..., and in the worls of cinemas, Avarar (James Cameron), and summer wars Mamoru Hosodam and the others. 

By the end of the decade, there was a much progressed technology and fashion.

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